High QualityĀ  BoardĀ  Training

For Charter Schools and Other Non-Profits

Board Training Packages (Click Here)
In addition to facilitating quality professional development, our team will work intimately with boards and school leaders to develop, support the implementation of, and continually coach leadership teams through the strategic planning process and school improvement initiatives that lead to effective oversight, sustained board practices, solid academics and promises kept.

"Tom came to our school and in a few hours gave us direction and purpose we were lacking as a governing body. We now feel like we can put policy and procedures in place that will allow for much more efficient and effective leadership. His experience and ability to communicate what must be done accomplished in a few hours what we as leaders had been trying to do for years. "

Metrolina Regional Scholars Academy Board of Directors

What are the roles and responsibilities of a high performing board?

The most common topic requested for my board trainings is Roles and Responsibilities.

Grab a copy of my easy to understand Roles and Responsibilities infographic and gain actionable insight into being a great board today!

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Does this happen at your board meetings?

More time is spent talking about operational issues than the strategic goals & health of your school?

The first time your board reads any of your reports is when the item comes up on the agenda?

Your board meetings last longer than 90 minutes with very little progress towards what really matters?

If the answer is YES to one or ALL of these questions we can help. Click below to schedule a free consult.

Schedule a Time to Talk

Contact Dr. Tom



We offer a personalized and highly-effective governance training series that focuses your board and school leadership on direct discussion and action in regards to the priorities of the organization.

When you join our online board training community, you will get 12 months of access to a range of resources devoted to board development.

Leaders Building Leaders will develop a unique and differentiated professional development map that will support board members of all experience levels in the areas listed below.

Learn More About Our Virtual Board Leadership Academy

Get hands on training for your board. Leaders Building Leaders offers options for one day board retreat and training, board observation and feedback.

Each board member will benefit by gaining a better understanding of the board should function.


Board members will be confident about the decisions made in each meeting. They will know the organization is navigating towards the stated mission of their charter school.

Roles & Responsibilities

Board members will understand the fiduciary, legal, and ethical roles and responsibilities of serving on a nonprofit board governing a public charter school.

Time & Talent Utilization

Board members will possess a clear understanding of how they can ensure that their valuable time and talents are being used to effectively lead the board

Tools for success

Each board member will experience the satisfaction of having the necessary tools needed to be a committed, productive board member of their charter school.


50% Complete

Top 10 Tips for Being a Great Board Chair

Please fill in your contact information, and we will email you a link to download your free copy.

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