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A Strategy to Prioritize Your Time

#growth #prioritize Nov 17, 2022

In professional development sessions, administrator certification programs, administrative meetings,  we spend a lot of time teaching and telling leaders what to do.

We do not spend enough time teaching leaders what to stop doing. 

I believe in order to be more effective as a leader, you must know what to stop doing.

 One of the most powerful leadership principles I have learned from my leadership mentor John Maxwell is the Law of Priorities from Maxwell's 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.

The Law of Priorities teaches us that busyness doesn’t equal productivity.

You see, activity is not necessarily accomplishment.

More than half of the school leaders I initially begin to work with as their coach or thinking partner do not need to learn more leadership skills.

They need to learn what to stop doing and where to prioritize their time.

They need to stop trying to do it all and stop trying to learn HOW to do it all.

I challenge you this week to celebrate the things you did not do!

So before the work week begins, go grab your notepad and instead of your usual “To Do” list, start your “To Stop Doing" list.

At the end of every day this week, write down a least one thing you did each day that you will not do tomorrow.

Maybe there is one meeting you will no longer attend.

One program or service that you will no longer use.

Every day, your STOP DOING list should grow!

This is the ONLY list that should grow. No more feeling overwhelmed from your massive "TO DO" list.

As a result, you will see gains in not only your overall productivity but also your relationship with yourself and those who matter most.

If you need a system to get started, begin with our Do It, Delegate It, or Dump It series.

The link to watch these three videos (30 minutes total) is below. 


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