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Winning With People: Let People Know You Need Them

leadership teamwork winning Sep 08, 2019

Hey everyone, I am Dr. Tom Miller and I have a Winning With People tip I want to share.

Any dream that you have that doesn’t involve other people, is simple too small.

Here is what I mean.

As an Executive Director of the John Maxwell Team I have had the privilege of being taught and mentored by John over the past five years. John will take the time for us to ask him direct questions based on where we are in our leadership journey. One question that seems to dominate the Q and A sessions is, “What is the secret to getting people to buy in and be committed to the team?” 

At some point in your life, maybe even as you read this, you have asked yourself this same question. How do I get my team fully on board? 

John’s answer is very simple sentence. “I cannot do it without you.” He shared, “Leaders can become great, only when they realize that they are the ones that need people.” 

To truly achieve something great you have to...

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Winning With People: 30 Second Rule

leadership teamwork Sep 02, 2019

Hey everyone, I am Dr. Tom Miller and I have a BIG IDEA to share: If you want to accomplish more and enhance the relations at your school or organization, begin implementing these practices focused on building strong, long lasting relationships and with your team and clients. 

Here is one practice you can implement. 

When people first meet or greet someone, they are typically worried about how they will look or sound, searching for ways to make themselves look or feel good. In John Maxwell's book, Winning With People, he shares a lesson he learned from watching his father connect and lead people for almost 70 yeas now. It's called the 30-Second Rule.

"The key to the 30-second rule is reversing this practice. When you make contact with people, instead of focusing on yourself, search for ways to make others feel good," John notes. 

This might look like:

  • Looking at your calendar in the morning, if you know who you are going to see, maybe at a meeting, take a few...
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