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Seven Strategies to Raise Morale and Employee Engagement

organizational health Nov 19, 2020


As a school leader you might be “Feeling Powerless” against the issues and challenges dealing with Covid-19.  

Remember, the organization will look to the top leaders to protect them and to be their voice.   

Without this feeling of safety there will always be an impact on culture and morale. 

Here are seven strategies I have learned and am implementing during these times to raise engagement and morale.   

Get Clear!: Leaders need to be on the same page (mission, vision, purpose) with their team. Be sure to communicate daily why the school exists, what we do, how we will be successful and what the future holds!  

Accentuate the positive: Research shows—not surprisingly—that building employees’ strengths is measurably more effective than fixating on weaknesses. Developing a culture that is strengths-based creates the environment in which employees quickly learn their roles, produce more and significantly better work, stay with their job longer, and are consistently more engaged.  

Compliment people: Ensure each person gets a spotlight on him or her. Something nice can be said about everyone. Be sure you do it in front of others.   

Be sensitive to work-life integration needs: Flexible schedules, child-care solutions, flex days to work from home—all of these and more can be options for making the job work for your employee.  

Never complain down: All complaints should go up and as a leader you have to give up in order to go up. Conversations about the actions of leaders in higher positions should not occur.   

Remove Barriers and Obstacles: It will be critical for each member of your team to have clarity on what decisions are yours to make, which need higher level approval. Anything they are responsible for, they should also have autonomy to make decisions.   

Have fun. Yes, that’s right. Work (COVID or NOT) doesn’t need to be drudgery. In fact, more and more employees expect time spent in the work environment—whether in-person or virtual—to be enjoyable.  

Use staff meetings for connection and team building activities. Conduct a ZOOM scavenger hunt or play a game like Pictionary on the whiteboard!  

Last, but should be first to do!  

Take care of your mental and physical self. Eliminate any work in your life that is not clearly bringing you closer to your goal.

Unplug by 5:00 daily. Turn off the email notifications on the phone. Take daily walks and five minutes of quiet time per day.   

You are right where you were born to be!   


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