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Know What Your People Value

#leadership core values Jun 07, 2021

Many people in our world feel devalued instead of valued by others, and it harms them deeply. It keeps them from enjoying life and reaching their potential.

Most of you know my story as a recovering gambling addict. It wasn't until I got a round a table, with other like-minded people, that I began to study and discuss words like honesty, humility, trust, accountableloyal just to name a few from this little yellow combo book that fit in your pocket. I was 30 years old and had never been asked a question like, what are your values? What does it mean to be honest, to be trusted, to be trustworthy? It was a powerful experience. 

There is an old saying, a paper bag doesn't stand up straight. Without values a person is empty and weak. 

I had no idea that my lack of values was not just causing me pain internally, it was showing up in ALL of my results. My inability to advance in my career. My failing relationships. My failing finances, personal health and emotional well-being. 

Good values create stability, provide a sense of unity and strengthen people within a team or community. 

Our team at Leaders Building Leaders just reviewed our Core Values through a simple exercise (linked below) and rooted, values based discussion. It took maybe 30 to 45 minutes and here they are. 

As a leader, by having an open VALUES-BASED discussions around these words with your team, you will have a deeper understanding of the people you serve, and the lens that they see the world through. It will give you a chance to strengthen your connection through finding common ground. 

Values should never be just "words on paper." They should be instilled and deeply engrained in the culture of a team or organization. They should be defined, trained around and measured. 

Do you have written down values that you live by? Do your actions match those carefully chosen words? Does the school or team that you lead reflect those values? Do you know what your people value? 

If the answer is no to any of those questions, don't settle for good intentions, they won't change your team, your school or your community. Focus on good actions. 

Download the values training template I have used to empower, grow and transform hundreds of schools and organizations. It is a tool right from our Principal Leadership Academy. Schedule an hour with your team in the next two weeks and take them through the step-by-step process. 

Download LBL's Core Values Exercise (Added bonus Mission and Vision training!)

Remember, good values create organizational stability, provide a sense of unity and strengthen the people within a team or community. 

Keep making a difference,

Dr. Tom

If you were not aware, the Principal Leadership Academy:Blue Print4Success is an online and on-demand school improvement training platform. Everything, every tool, every framework that I use as a school improvement consultant can be found in this NETFLIX of School Improvement 

If you are not a member, but are a school administrator or aspire to be one, I highly recommend you get your access today. Click here and save 75% off the regular price. Click here and save $150 for a limited time!

Get my best training tools and framework for improving your school's operations, culture, academics and team leadership. Over 50 hours of professional development access and my best resources that you can begin to implement in your school today!

 Here is that link again...

Go make a difference,


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