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Why Social and Emotional Learning in Times of Crisis?


During this COVID-19 interruption to the school calendar as most us have experienced it, our team at Leaders Building Leaders, in partnership with Rhonda Dillingham, Executive Director of the North Carolina Association for Public Charter Schoolscreated a community and predictable platform to INFORM, CONNECT, GUIDE and UNITE school leaders from across the globe in hopes of creating the best educational learning experience for all stakeholders. We meet every Thursday at 1:00. 

This past Thursday Ed Reed, Social and Emotional Learning expert, school administrator and counselor in a Maryland school system, was our guest speaker and shared with us the "WHY" behind building an effective Social and Emotional Learning program and "HOW" to begin laying an effective foundation before students return to school this fall.

Ed has served in various leadership roles in private industry and secondary schools recognized among the top 100 schools in America. After spending over 20 years developing students, teachers, administrators and strengthening communities, Ed realized the best way to help future generations was to become an influential leader who impacts those who impact others in the workplace, community, schools and families. His personal mission is to transform lives through leadership development, wellness & self-care, and personal growth. 

Ed provided us an overview on Social Emotional Learning, the relationship between Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) & Achievement and how to use SEL as a critical component to moving forward in this uncharted territory.

 Here were a few of the highlights in the talk:

  • Framing the learning for students and adults
  • Five Core Elements to Social and Emotional Learning
  • SEL Teacher Self-Assessment
  • Mission, Vision and Core Values (The link to SEL)
  • The secret behind an effective SEL plan
  • The last 15 minutes are OFF THE HOOK!!!

If you would like access to the resources Ed Shared, click here. They are part of our "Return to School" COVID 19 Resources Drive. Which all members of our Community have full access to. If are not a member of our School Leadership Community click here. You'll receive access to all of our resources and updates on calls. 

If you prefer to listen, click below.  

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